VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

flip = flick

we reserved them for 2 hours

it’s as standard as it could be

in the next few weeks / over the coming weeks

they’re almost done – they’re looking to be ready

thanks for being here / thanks for taking the time to be here

we’ll just get started with

  1. focus on the key words, and put stress on them
  2. breathe and let yourself not make sound sometimes – just speak the words clearly and a bit slower
  3. avoid like + umm

wana gona – are looking to / are hoping to / are planning to

like – pretty much / essentially / basically 

getting worse – decline

china population – chinese 

we believe / we think / it is thought that / our research shows that / from what we have discovered (researched) we have found that / from the research we have done and interviews we have completed we have concluded that 

false positives / false negatives

the fact that there is a misinterpretation of CT images means that many cases go undiagnosed


diagnosed – DI eg noezed
diagnosis – di eg NOE sess

method – MEH thed

biopsy – BI op see

illustrate – ILL less trate