VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


registered residence – hu kou
eg. my registered residence is in nanjing but I want to relocate it to shanghai

apply the hukou – apply / apply for
eg. I apply the makeup using a brush
eg2. I apply for the document by sending an email with an application form

subtle requirement unspecified requirement / hidden requirement 

in fine print / i didn’t read the fine print

outside the realm of possibility = impossible

accident (maybe car crash) / incident (problem)

bus station / stop
eg. the bus starts at the station (terminal) and stops at the bus stop 10 times between there and its destination

know his way around – doesn’t get lost

he might have been familiar but he wasn’t

pillar / pole

injury (n) – for a problem you have with your body

hurt / pain / painful / sore / ache

I feel pain (n) in my nose
My finger got hurt / I hurt my finger (v)
I have a lot of pain (n) in my nose
It hurts (v) when I move / It is painful (adj) when I move
I am hurt (adj) – injury / I have an injury (n) / I am injured (adj / v)
My nose aches (v)
My nose is sore (adj)

Pain – sore / ache / hurt / sting / burn
sore – low level standard pain
ache – general pain / general area
hurt – wide range of pain
sting – like a bee / waves
burn – fire / hot

collate – put together and combine
eg. we try to collate all of the different data that we receive into 1 clear format to be presented to the client

what percentage of our income is made up of which channel / which channel contributes what amount to our overall income


they are strict for the conditionsstrict on / regarding / with 

for several times – i went to the shops several times last week / I go there sometimes  

data – non countable

all of them / they all choose the product online

that report will be given to – will be provided to


analyse (v) – AN na lize
analysis (n) – an NAL li sis
analytics (n) – an na LI ticks

subtle – suttleÂ