VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

I care about: fashion, beauty, education, travel…


in the day / in the daytime / during the day
at night / in the evening
at noon / at midday / at midnight


kick off = start
things kicked off = start / fight + argue
eg. we kicked off the meeting with an update on last week
eg2. they were talking for a while but things kicked off when one of them yelled at the other one.

public hospital / school = state owned / government owned
private hospital / school

comedian (person) / comedy (genre = type of movie / tv show / book)

puberty – from 11 – 15 years old – when your body changes
eg. he is going through puberty

rough – difficult and challenging
eg. it’s been a rough day / man, that’s rough!

harsh but fair! 

relative – anyone in your family
folks – parents
folk – people
folk – adj – genre

jaw = bone
chin = the front point

wide / big smile

pissed off / shitty / pissed – angry / annoyed
eg. he’s pissed! = angry

pissed = drunk

you take initiative (n) (ee nish sha tiv) = proactive (adj) – to be active and determined to get things done / do things without waiting for someone else
eg. at work I always try to take initiative / I try to be proactive

able /  capable / the ability to do / can do / to have the capability to do 

they ask me out / they ask me to get together / ask me to hang out 

values – things you care about and think are important
eg. we have the same values / we share values

compatible – 2 things are able to work together
cooperate – do sth together
eg. I try to cooperate with other companies but sometimes their business model is not compatible with mine.
eg2. Baidu’s business model is to sell advertising space rather than sell a real product.

nothing in common – things that you both like / interests that you share
eg. we have nothing in common

“she’s all talk no action” – sb who always says stuff but never does it

she’s stingy / cheap – sb who cares about money too much and doesn’t want to spend it

there was no chemistry – 2 people are lacking a connection


protect – PRA tekt