VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Next Class Focus

No homework today – next class we practice speaking!


it is not very clear – bu qing chu

get something straight – correct sth / make something clear

cover – the outside of something to protect it / keep sth safe

bully – qi fu / qi fu de ren

In / during the summer at night, a girl named / called Kitty is at home. She wants to / will sleep / is interested in sleeping and is wearing a yellow pajamas. Kitty brushes her teeth using some toothpaste and looking at / watching / staring at the mirror. Then / and then / after that / afterwards / following that…

during class / during Christmas / during Chinese New Year / during sleep
when I have class / when we are celebrating Christmas / when we celebrate CNY / when I sleep

I am interested in doing sth = I want to do it

named / called

looking at / watching / staring 

and then / after that / afterwards / following that

in = during / while
eg. during class
e2. in class
eg3. while I was having class / when I was having class

Writing exercise

his mum let him write the diary but he’s afraid of the other boy says he is a girl. But he thinks it can answer the people’s questions. He sits with a bunch of morons because first day he sits down between them but he doesn’t want sit between the girls and the big student always hit him.

his mum makes him write the diary but he’s afraid that the other boys will say he is a girl. But he thinks it can answer the people’s stupid questions. He sits with a bunch of stupid kids because on the first day he sits down between them but he doesn’t want to sit between the girls and the big student, who is a bully, always hits him.


A bully will bully you.
I drink a drink.

I was late because of the rain.
I was late because the rain was bad.
I know you.
I know that your name is Carl.

My fingers are hurt – shou shang
My fingers hurt – teng
I hurt my fingers – shou shang
eg. I hurt my finger when I was cutting the tomato so my finger hurts.Â