VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


superannuation – retirement fund

growing up – become an adult
growing – to get longer / bigger

aging population
eg. China and Japan has aging populations

a small moneya little money / a small amount of money 

basic living costs / expenses

trust / believe
eg. I trust Jesse = our relationship is good
eg2. I believe that Jesse is a teacher = you know I’m not lying

I believe in God = I think God is real.
I believe in you = I think you can do great things

I saw an article – experienced it
I read an article – process

he committed suicide

will – your contract with the government to decide what happens when you die
eg. I don’t have a will but I will do it when my daughter is 18

eg. America and China are both superpowers

compromise – to give something up that you don’t want to give up
tolerate – accepting sth despite negative things
eg. I try to tolerate kids being annoying but it’s hard
eg2. When I fight with Judy I will often compromise and say sorry… even if I’m right.