VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


documentaryĀ – a video to teach you about something

marathonĀ – a long race

elaborate – add lots of details
eg. I like coffee because…….

objectives / goals / targets

prerequisiteĀ – sth you need before you can do sth

puddlesĀ – water on the ground you can jump in

brickĀ – the path has these

gumbootsĀ  – rain shoes

offensive / offense / offended – to feel bad / hurt / angry
eg. i’m offended that you would say all chinese people are _____.

Writing exercise

Iā€™m a quite person and I donā€™t like a place which is too noise. I prefer to study in a silent environment, because I can focus on myself. Iā€™m a interior designer and I need to go to construction sites often. There are so many noises in this place, like electric sawsā€™ noise, cutting machinesā€™ noise,etc. thatā€™s my work environment and this is my job. I donā€™t care about this kind of noise, because this type of noise is belong there and itā€™s normal. But change the situation, if I stay in my apartment,but next door is constructing and making this kind of noise, I will get upset, and I will find a quite place to stay.
I like natural noise, like the sound of winds, running water and birds. When I was in my hometown, I heard the sound of birds often, and this made me feel happy. The noise of cicadas often remind me thinking about my childhood. At that time,I liked to catch cicadas with a bamboo rob, and on the top of it was a sticky dough, and this was I chewed wheat to make. I just used it to touch the cicadasā€™ wings, then I caught them, because the dough was very sticky. That gave me a lot of fun and I still remember.
My hometown is a small village, there isnā€™t a lot of noise because itā€™s not developed. Cities are different of small village and they are developed much faster than villages, so I believe with the develop of cities, it will be more noise than in the past.

Iā€™m a quiet person and I donā€™t like a place which is too noisy. A silent environmentĀ is definitely my preference / I prefer to study in a silent environment, because I can focus on myself. Iā€™m an interior designer and I need to go to construction sites often. There are so many noises in this place, like electric saws, cutting machines, etc. thatā€™s my work environment and this is my job. I donā€™t care about this kind of noise, because this type of noise belongs there and itā€™s normal. On the other hand, if I stay in my apartment, butĀ if there is some construction happening next door,Ā making this kind of noise, I will get upset, andĀ find a quiet place to stay.
I like / prefer / I’m into / I’m a big fan of natural noises, like the sound of the wind, running water and birds. When I was in my hometown, I heard the sound of birds often, and this made me feel happy. The noise of cicadas often reminds me of my childhood. At that time,I liked to catch / I was totally obsessed with / I was really into cicadas with a bamboo rod, and on the top of it was a sticky dough, and this was I chewed wheat to make. I just used it to touch the cicadasā€™ wings, then I caught them, because the dough was very sticky. That gave me a lot of fun and I still remember it.
My hometown is a small village,Ā so / andĀ there isnā€™t a lot of noise because itā€™s not developed. Cities are different fromĀ small villages and they are developed much faster than villages, so I believe with the development of cities, it will be more noisy than in the past.


I went to the park and saw a man, (who was) [Ā running with his dog around the park ]

I went to a park which I walked to.
I went to a park to which I walked.