VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


bloated (the feeling of being too full) / stuffed (being too full)
eg. I felt really bloated after drinking the coffee too quickly

carbs – carbohydrate – tan shui

she’s a sales person / she works in sales 

commission – money that you get if you make a sale
eg. I get 10% commission on every sale

it’s a joke – well known stories that people consider jokes
eg. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side
eg2. Why did the Australian cross the road? To get a beer
it’s funny – use this with anything gao xiao

roast chicken – baked in the oven

surveillance camera – CCTV

spying on you – to watch sb secretly

bribe – to pay money to the police or government to get some favor
eg. they had to bribe the police / they had to pay a bribe

highly competitive environment / workplace – a workplace with a lot of competition


vegetables – vej tehbl