VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


he doesn’t value experience in his staff

people-centric – focused on people
eg. we run a people centric business

to tide them over = in the mean time
I can’t drink coffee so I want to eat chocolate in the mean time.

care about peopleput people at the forefront of his thinking


I don’t want my kids like this way – I don’t want my kids to be like this / to be this way

they are based in the south of Taiwan (in Taiwan) / it is south of Taiwan (outside)

on the mediain the media 

they like to compete with each other

such like such as / like 

our previous GM really cares about people

i had the same thought with you I had the same thought as you 

reach to many peoplereach out to / reach many people

at = point
on = top / touch
in = inside
with = together
as = same
to = arrive
for = helping
from = distance
of = part
by = use / next to
about = subject
off = away