VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


if my papers get published

I was feeling under the weather – to feel tired, a little sick, depressed, just bad

I wasn’t keep in my mindI wasn’t paying attention

I don’t like it – I’m not into it / I’m not a big fan of it 

New Years eve – 31st December
New Years day – 1st January

admin work / clerical work – doing paperwork
eg. I’m a doctor, not an administrative assistant so I don’t want to do admin work

reward – sth you get for doing something great
eg. I got a reward for doing well at work

referral (n) / refer (v)
eg. if they are in a critical condition I will refer them to the ward

at our first meet – the first time we met
eg. the first time I met him I thought he was really young

bonus – sth extra that you can

high – how much up sth is
tall – from the ground, up
eg. the mountain is very tall / the person is very tall
eg2. the peak of the mountain is high

he was supposed to be older than mehe supposed he was older than me 

he is higher than me he is taller than me 

standards – yao qiu


clinic – clin ick

months – munthsss