VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Matilda – film


draining – takes a lot of your energy
eg. I find my work really draining sometimes

topicarea / field 
industry / domain

futile (adj)
eg. it’s futile to resist the police
eg2. “resistance is futile”

trial and error
eg. I prefer to use trial and error over a huge amount of research and testing
eg2. I just like to jump into a project and get started. There’s a bit of trial and error, but it always works out in the end.

we need to communicate what our expectation is of this product in the Chinese (China) market 

eg. your immune system has been compromised

discrimination to  against  

saliva – kou shui

you can’t expect (to think it will happen) / you can’t anticipate (forecast)

estimate = guess

replicate / duplicate

naive infected

touch pointtouch base


it’s a treatment to chronic disease – treatment of / for chronic disease