VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


1 – Read this and write what you learned.

2 – Write about glaciers and what you would see if you walked on one and went under one.


DNA – your genes
eg. Dorothy is smart because she has good genes.

glacier – a very slow moving ice river

trickle – water slowly falling
eg. the water trickles from the bottom of the glacier, under the ice

grind – 2 hard things moving together
eg. the glacier grinds against the rock

meandering – to slowly move in a natural and relaxed way
eg. the ice meanders down the mountain
eg2. Dorothy is meandering along the road

drain – water going down, quickly, through a pipe or hole
eg. the water drains from the road after a storm

gooey – slime / sticky / like “bi ti”
eg. worms love to live in gooey mud

What we learned from the glacier video. 

the river moves very slow. it is made of ice. it’s very dangerous. you can’t feel it. it only moves 1o0 – 500 meters a year.