VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


i get a business card from a customer < > i give a business card to a customer

I don’t like coffee with milk / coffee and milk

smell – nose feeling
eg. I can smell coffee

flavor – the wei dao that something should have
eg. This coffee has a chocolate and flower flavor but I can’t taste it.

taste – the wei dao that you mouth feels
eg. I like bitter tastes but I don’t like sour

describe your favourite coffee taste 

bean – dou

have you eaten it before? 

bring / take / send
bring = come with it
eg. I will bring an umbrella to SE

take = to get sth for yourself / get it from
eg. I want to take this food away
eg2. I will take the book home and bring it next class.

send = give it but don’t go with it
eg. I have a book and I can send (give) it to you


I don’t have homework = you didn’t give me homework
I haven’t done my homework

REASON – yuan ying
+ verb
for + noun
I come here to learn English
I come here to learn English for my life

I go to work for money for my life
I go to work to get money for my house

dao = to
I go to Australia to see my brother.
I talk to you every day

at = point
to = arrive
with = together

I pay $10 for sth / I buy something for free