VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


secretly take videos / he took videos in secret 

compulsory (must do) army duty – going to the army is sth you must do

injured – hurt your body
eg. he injured his knee

there was a big chance / it was highly likely

they were under Chinese rule
eg. Korea was under chinese rule in those days

common courtesy – things you should do to be polite / friendly
eg. it’s common courtesy to answer someone when they ask you a question

not reasonable / not fair / not acceptable / not ok – bu kao pu

eye candy – sth you like to look at
eg. Korean pop stars are mostly eye candy

solo album


side projects – things that band members work on when the main band isn’t touring or recording

eg. my favourite band tours every year around Asia

lead singer – main singer

butt / bottom / arse – pi gu
eg. they hit them on the butts


i back to work – i was back at work / i came back to work 

i’m very calm down I was very calm