VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


he is a gayhe’s gay 

he is same age with mehe is the same age as me

the first time i heard this word was in English

it’s very hard to me it’s very hard for me 

my husband is good to me – the way he treats me
apples are good for me – the affect it has on me

we have a same clientwe have the same client

they used to – in the past
they are used to – habit


depression – yi yu zhen
eg. I have depression

when I get home – arrive at home

mouthful – kou
eg. he had 2 mouthfuls of water

lid – gai zi
eg. he took the lid off

beard – hu zi

take you to bed / tuck you in 

wet the bed – pee in bed
eg. he always wets the bed

have a drink / have some food

education – jiao yu
eg. he has a really good education

grows a lot – gets bigger
grows up a lot – become older and more mature

tube of toothpaste

he’s a freshman – he’s new 

over confident – cocky

interrupt – da duan
eg. he always interrupts me

it satisfied his brief – I did everything he wanted in his brief

she has a bad temper / she loses her temper easily

it’s in my genes / it’s genetic