VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [W, S]


Write an email to apologize to a customer if you have to cancel the tour because of an emergency (sick tour leader, storm, etc).


beck and call – expect if you ask someone to do something then they will come and do it
eg. My boss expects everyone to be at their beck and call

Wear and tear – been used a bit, not perfect condition
eg. Our bikes have a bit of wear and tear.
eg. Its in good condition, just a little wear and tear.

placebo – a fake pill to make your mind feel better but doesn’t affect your body

placebo effect – to make someone feel better by giving them a fake solution.
eg. I used the placebo effect by telling my boss I will do something to make him less worried but the don’t do it

Youth = young people

Hostels = a cheap hotel with dorm rooms or small price rooms
eg. Youth hostels are a very cheap place to stay.

Abroad – a country outside of your own
eg. Doing a university exchange means studying abroad

Activists – people that fight to change laws, policy, or change local ideas in a country
eg. Activists can try to change things for the better or worse.

Censor – block something from being seen

Censorship – control what people can see
eg. The censorship in China is very high compared to other countries.

Addictive – something that you or your body wants you to have or do
eg. cigarettes are very addictive

Genre – the type/category of movie, book, music, art
eg. Genres of movies include comedy, horror, action, historical, drama

Fiction – not real story (never happened)

Science-fiction – not form history, but similar to a real story or situation.

Non-fiction – real story (happened before)


Iran [I-ran]

Speaking exercise


They don’t really like China. They don’t have any Chinese friends, just French friends. I didn’t see he any Chinese food, just salad. If he order some food online, it must be salad. In that company, I in charge of the admin work. I setup tours and tour leaders. Last month was our high season, we had 350 people. 50% were French. I try one morning and one night. Before the tour I need to send them the information about the weather and stuff. After the tour I need to follow up with them for good review/recommendation tripadvisor.


They don’t really like China. They don’t have any Chinese friends, just French friends. I didn’t see him eat any Chinese food, just salad. If he order some food online, it must be salad. In that company, I’m in charge of the admin work. I setup tours and tour leaders. Last month was our high season, we had 350 people. 50% were French. I tried one morning and one night. Before the tour I need to send them the information about the weather and stuff. After the tour I need to follow up with them for good review/recommendation tripadvisor.

Writing exercise


Dear James,

Thanks for contacting us.
We have received your booking request on May 20th.

Unfortunately we don’t have any tour leaders avaliable on that day to arrange a bike tour.
It’s a very time for us.

Are you flexible on other dates? Maybe we can reschedule the tour that you already booked.

In case this date is the only day that you are free to do tours with us, no worries, we will give you a full refund.

Looking froward to hearing from you.


Dear James,

Thanks for contacting us.
We have received your booking request on May 20th.

Unfortunately we don’t have any tour leaders avaliable on that day to arrange a bike tour.
It’s a very busy time for us.

Are you flexible on other dates? Maybe we can reschedule the tour that you already booked.

In case this date is If this is the only day that you are free to do tours with us, no worries, we will give you a full refund. (Maybe add: We apologize for the inconvenience)

Looking froward to hearing from you.