VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [W]


Finish Part 2 for last week, or write about the artist case you mention in class.


Cram –Ā to push something into an area thats already full
Cramming – studying really hard before an exam to learn everything

Balance of power –Ā one country can not be able to get more power than all the others combine

regime –Ā a party that controlsĀ  land or a country (North Korea)

Inauguration – the ceremony to make someone president

Scapegoat –Ā someone or a group of people you lay the blame on

Platform – the political ambitions of a party or individual

Spectrum –Ā a range of things that can be seenĀ Ā Image result for political spectrum

Rally –Ā a group of people that get togetherĀ  to say something or make a point

Electoral system –Ā The system used to vote for someone and give them a position (college elect system in America)


I’m aĀ Chinese people person/I’m Chinese

weakness in theĀ military = weakness militarily

Writing exercise


Write about how you think relations are between China and other key countries. (100-200 words) (India, Japan, America, Taiwan)

The relations between China and other key countries and areas (Part 1)
When we look back 20 years in the history, we will remember the decades when the world was ruled, or we may say greatly affected by 2 super countries-the States and the USSR both in economics and politics. At that time China was a rising power but still young and immature, but showed huge potential. Now 20 years has passed and the USSR had gone with its influence, just left a Russia as a successor who has been in trouble of economics all the time, which also lead to weakness in military.
The world chose China as an rapidly growing market and a manufacture base, and welcome it joined the WTO. The development is like what they expected, except some potential problems. Now the rapid growth ends and the manufacture base is abandoned by more and more international companies due to increasing cost and political reasons which are out of control of the companies. Another great change will come someday. President Donald Trump will make the day of change come earlier than most people’s estimates. “We will see”.

To be continued……


Write about how you think relations are between China and other key countries. (100-200 words) (India, Japan, America, Taiwan)

The relations between China and other key countries and areas (Part 1)
When we look back 20 years in the history, we will remember the decades when the world was ruled or we may say greatly affected by theĀ 2 super countriesĀ powers-the States and the USSR both in economics and politics. At that time China was a rising power but still young and immature, but showed huge potential. Now 20 years has passed and the USSR had gone disappeared/fadedĀ with its influence, just left a Russia as a theĀ successor who has been in economic troubles ofĀ  all the time, which also led to weakness in theĀ military .
The world chose China as a rapidly growing market and a manufacture base, and welcomed itĀ to join the WTO. The development is like what they initiallyĀ expected, except butĀ some potential problems exists. Now the rapid growth ends and the manufacture base is abandoned by more and more international companies due to increasing cost and political reasons which are out ofĀ theĀ control of the companies. Another great change will come someday. President Donald Trump will make that day of change come earlier than most people’s estimates. “We will see”.

To be continued……