VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [S]

Next Class Focus

Focus on L sounds


ItsĀ pouringĀ outĀ – Its raining really hard (heavy rain) outside

Debate –Ā to discuss/argue about a topic to make your points

Decade –Ā a period of 10 years

Rapid –Ā very fast

Coverage [N] –Ā the noun of covering (to cover)
eg. The news agency has coverage over the Olympic games in Korea

EmittingĀ – releasing or giving off something

Emissions –Ā the amount of gases that is being emitted

Degradation –Ā making the condition of something worse/destroying something
eg. All the factories in China have causes the degradation of its air, waters, and environment

Woes –Ā sorrows. distress, problems
eg. People always complain about their woes because the pollution only gets worse and worse
eg. She has serious woes after she lost her mother


Golf courseĀ orĀ  Country club

The Chinese Factories areĀ emitting gases





Speaking exercise


I don’t like Weihai. There is so many Korean people there for work. The Weihai government there really like to invite the korean people there for work. My ex-company built a factory and golf country club. I worked there but Weihai city is very small and I worked so hard from 4am-8pm. The Korea factory workers have to work from 7am-4pm. So I had to start to work beforeĀ otherĀ Korean workers because I had to prepare daily report before starting work. So at that time it was so hard.

With Student Edits

I don’t like Weihai. There are so many Korean people there for work. The WeihaiĀ government there really likes to invite the Korean people there for work. My ex-company built a factory and golf country club. I worked there but Weihai city is very small and I worked so hard from 4am-8pm. The Korea factory workers have to work from 7am-4pm in Korea. So I had to start to work beforeĀ theĀ otherĀ Korean workers because I had to prepare daily report before starting work. So at that time it was so hard.

Final Edit

I don’t like Weihai. BecauseĀ there are so many Korean people there for work. The WeihaiĀ government there really likes to invite the Korean people there for work. My ex-company built a factory and golf country club. I worked there butĀ I didn’t enjoy it/like it becauseĀ Weihai city is very small and I worked so hard from 4am-8pm. The Korean factory workers had to work from 7am-4pm in Korea. So I had to start to work beforeĀ theĀ otherĀ Korean workers because I had to prepare daily reports beforeĀ they started work. So at that time it was so hard.