VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Meat – rou

Tofu – doufu

Artist – person who does painting/drawing
Art teacher – someone who teachings painting/drawing

Witch – a girl who can do magic and fly on a broom (halloween costume)

Broom – See the source image

Stream & river – stream is a small river
Pond & Lake – pond small amount of water, Lake is big body of water

Fishing – daoyu to try and catch fish

Mermaid [Mur-made]

Oatmeal – maipian (breakfast food)


Yesterday I went -> I am going -> Tomorrow I  

Yesterday I ate
I am eating
Tomorrow I will eat


Tree [Tr-eeee]

Speaking exercise

Thursday at home I played with my little brother. We played and watched TV.
In the morning I woke up at 7am. I brushed my team for 1 mins. Then I ate oatmeal for breakfast. I went to kindergarten with my friends.