VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Bowling – 保龄球
Pool/billiards – 桌球
eg. I like to play pool because bowling balls are very heavy

Ceiling – the top of a room (opposite of floor)
eg. I jumped on the chair and touched the ceiling.

Brain – 脑
eg. I use my brain everyday at school

Work smart, not hard – our brain is our best tool

Cord – a long  rope used to put things together like phone charge
Plug – the end of the cord that goes in a computer/phone/wall etc
Plug in – put a cord inside of something
Unplug – take a cord out

Puke/vomit – 呕吐
eg. I vomit when I feel sick/ill or drink coffee

Sick/ill = unwell
eg. I feel unwell so I want to go home from school

Secret – 秘密
eg. If something is a secret then you shouldn’t tell other people

Base – is a military place where normal people can’t go.
eg. Army bases have a lot of soldiers, and some bases are underground
eg. Soldiers work for the army and live on the base

stick -棒 Image result for stick
Lever – 
a stick you pull to make something work
Handle – a stick on the door we use to open it

Test – 考试
Nervous – 紧张
eg. I get nervous before a test. 

Image result for crawfish


Did (past tense of do)


Ceiling [Seea-ling]

Speaking exercise

Sentence building 

Thursday I had a test in English class.  The test was very easy. We want did listing, writing, and speaking. Everyday I ate 小龙虾, its yummy!  It was spicy and I ate thirty of them. Friday I did my homework and I ate rice, soup, and egg. This morning I ate baozi, inside has egg and beef. I played minecraft in the car and I make made a pot.