VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


About Benny


Quit – to stop doing something like a job/team/eating something/etc

Grants – money from the government for a specific purpose (education, companies)

Philanthropy – something with no reward that helps others


he/she/they/them/that/there/it/the/this – don’t use in the first sentence until you explain the meaning 

Go – to any place
Come – only to the place where you are at or were at when they came

Easier – less difficult than something
Better – more good than something


Frequently [Free-quint-lee]

Speaking exercise


They will into 3 groups for us. We joined the fast group for speed average. Sue and me finished it. Its better for me running 8 km because I do exercise very frequently. We thought its a good idea for that let many people know there brand. This event attract many people. Lots of people go there. We have a drink after in KABB.


They will put/split us. into 3 groups for .We joined the fastest group for speed average. Sue and me I finished first and then Elinda. Its easier better for me running 8 km because I do exercise very frequently. We thought its a good idea for them to let many people know their brand. This event attracted many young people. Lots of people went there. We had a drink after in KABB.