VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Write about your experience traveling in Italy.


Tortilla – Nacho chip

Pour – to put water into something like a cup or bowl
eg. I poured the water into a cup
eg. I poured milk into my coffee
Spill (Spilt past tense) – accidentally putting liquid on floor, clothes, etc
eg. I am so sorry that I spilt my beer on you.
eg. Be careful not to spill your drink everywhere

Gelato – Italian ice cream (famous for flavor and soft ice cream)
Gel – something that you c

Stereotype – something that people think about a group of people from a certain area
eg. Canadians like ice hockey
eg. Asians like karaoke (KTV)
eg. Germans like beer

Karaoke – normal people singing songs (at a karaoke bar = ktv)

Insisted – to continue to argue your point

Transit – to change airplanes at an airport

Thick – the opposite of thin
eg. I like thick bread and pizza. Not thin.

Dip – a small sauce on the side
Dipping – action of putting something into a sauce on the side
eg. I like dipping my French fries in ketchup


French people are from France and speak French
British people are from England and speak English
Italian people are from Italy and speak Italian


Insisted [In-sis-tid]

Speaking exercise


I have a story with sparkling water. I had a problem with a person in London. He maybes maybe not British, maybe Eastern Europe. He looks maybe a little Italy. So the story started from the sparkling water. I ordered the still water, I was clear that I ordered still water. But he brought me a sparkling water, I told him there had been a mistake. I insisted that I ordered the still water. He dropped off another sparkling water, but I told him again. Then he is very rude when he dropped off still water.


I have a story with sparkling water. I had a problem with a person in London. He maybes maybe not British, maybe Eastern Europe. He looks maybe a little Italy. So the story started from the sparkling water. I ordered the still water, I was clear that I ordered still water. But he brought me a sparkling water, I told him there had been a mistake. I insisted that I ordered the still water. He dropped off another sparkling water, but I told him again. Then he is very rude when he dropped off still water.