VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Track and field (American/Canadian), Athletics (British/Australian) – 田径

collide – two things hit each other

Topic – a specific thing that you an talk about

Spin the bottle – a game played by teenagers

Continent – a large mass of land with many countries (Asia, Europe, Africa, etc)

Oceania (British term) – Australian continent

Slavic – people originating from Russian origin

Slavic language – Language connected to Russian

Reign – be leader over a certain place

Era – a time frame for something
eg. Tang Taizong’s era was 626-649

Betray – to go against someones trust
eg. Tang Taizong’s brother betrayed him and tried to kill him

Checked luggage – luggage that goes under the airplane

Carry on luggage – bags that you bring on the airplane with you

Terminal – different parts of the airport (T1, T2, etc)

Guarantee – something is 100%
eg. I guarantee your Chinese is better then my English

Downloading – put something onto your phone, computer

Install – to setup put an APP on your phone/computer

Bots – something controlled by computer