VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [R, S]


Forgot – 忘记
eg. I forgot the new words from last class.

Character – 字 

Letters – 字母
Letters of the alphabet are a.b.c.d.e …….

alphabet (26 letters) –  所有的字母

pepper – 胡椒粉
Bell (red/green) pepper – 胡椒
 Image result for peppers

Spicy peppers –  Image result for spicy peppers

After – 之后
eg. After homework I play piano.

Before -之前
eg. Before class, my mother drove me here.

Date – the day, month, year of a day 日期
eg. Today’s date, is June 6th, 2018

Activity – something you do for fun
eg. My favorite activity is playing games on my phone.


Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
Thirty, forty, fifty, sixty 

Speaking exercise


After finish class, I swam and take a bath/shower and go home. Saturday night I play piano and do homework. Sunday, at home playing piano and doing homework. Everyday I do same thing. I don’t remember food eat., but it was so yummy/delicious.  Today I eat meat, vegetables, and soup. In school, I write schoolwork and sing  song. Played basketball with classmates. Finish school half past fifteen and walked home.


After I finished class, I swam and took a bath/shower and went home. Saturday night I played piano and did my homework. Sunday, at home played piano and did homework. Everyday I do the same thing. I don’t remember what food I eat., but it was so yummy/delicious.  Today I ate meat, vegetables, and soup. In school, I  did schoolwork and sang  songs, played basketball with classmates. I finished school at half past 3pm / in the afternoon and walked home.

Read from my Chinese-English book