VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Three gorges dam – read about this and write your opinion on its relocation of Chinese


Pickle – the action of putting some vegetables in vinegar to make them sour
Pickled – a food that has been in vinegar to make it sour to preserve

Transit – transfer in an airport/or some kind of station.
eg. I don’t have a direct flight, I’m transiting in Moscow.

equilibrium – the perfect middle point of something (not to spicy, not to sweet, just right)

Throw money at some – spend money rather than time on something
eg. When I first started learning Chinese, I would always throw money at it and buy the best programs, books, etc.

Commit – agree to doing something
eg. I commited to organizing this event for my boss.
Commitment – something you already agreed to doing and have to do (appointment)
eg. I can’t go to the bar this weekend, I already have another commitment.
eg. I have a work appointment/commitment

Estimate –  to give a price (guess) of how much something will cost

hydroelectric – electricity made from water
Hydro = water

Series – many things in a row


Almost all = amount of something
eg. I ate almost all the pizza yesterday.
Almost always = talking about time (most of the time)
eg. I almost always use the subway to go home/Most of the time I get the subway home

the middle school

Shes not good at studying

Whats her interests.

The teacher gave asked my daughter a to commitment to joining in the theater

6,600 = sixty six hundred or six thousand six hundred


Theater [ThE-ter]

Dead [Ded]





Dam [Da-am]

Mainly [Main-lE]
