VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Write about a few of your favorite types of music to listen to and sing.
->where do you like to sing
->Do you have a favorite artist
->Are you a confident or shy singer?


Merchandise – stuff sold that promotes something like a person/event/story/Movies

Jelly beans – a small sweet candy shaped like a beanSee the source image

Associated – connected with something
eg. I am associated with smart english because I am a student there.
Associate – to connect with something else
eg. I always associate Jacob with smart english because I only see him there
eg. I always associate American food with being unhealthy

Obese – to be above the healthy weight for someones age/height (better way to say ‘fat’)
eg, America has an obesity problem since Mcdonalds opened

Emphasize – focus on saying something
eg. to make something standout so people can know it easily
eg. When saying thirteen, its important to emphasize the ‘n’ so its not confused with 30.

Gobble something up – to eat something quickly
eg. He was very hungry and gobbled up his dinner really quickly

Access – able to use something or go to a place
eg. In small towns it easy very easy to access the nature by driving just a few mins
eg. I don’t have access to my school on the weekends because its locked
Accessible – easy access

Tram – a train that goes through a city for public transportation

Cozy – a warm and comfortable feeling (usually while in bed)
eg. I don’t want to get up yet because my bed is so cozy.

Genre – type of something (music, movies, books)
eg. My favorite genre of music is pop.
eg. My favorite genre of literature is fiction
eg. I like the romantic genre when I watch movies

Fantasy – something that you imagine in your head
eg. I had a fantasy that I won the lottery and it was great.
Fantasize – think about and imagine something
eg. When I was bored in class, I often fantasized about being a chef.

Thrill – a rush of excitement
Thriller – a movie genre that is very exciting
eg. Thriller films often keep me on the edge of my seat

Chick flick – a movie that mostly only girls will watch
flick – a film or movie


I have magical powers.


hippopotamus [hippo-po-ta-miss]

meant [men-nnt]

Nile [Nai-ol]

When saying 13-19 (say the ‘n’ very clearly)
eg. thirteennn