VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Touted – to say something good about yourself
I don’t mean to tout my own horn – means I don’t want to brag

Markup – to increase the price slightly

Hip – trying to be young and cool

Canvas – a large board to draw or put something important on it

Accomplices – a person who helps another commit a crime

Veteran – someone who was previously in the military

Communist – a left wing socialist type of government that focuses on social programs and welfare

Dictatorship – country is controlled by one individual

Communal – shared by all members of a community; for common use.

Revelation – to learn a surprising or amazing fact


Commodity [Ko-mod-a-tE]

writing [Right-ing]

Accomplices [A-comp-lizsis]

Entrepreneur [On-tra-pra-newr]

Baron [Bear-rin]

Veteran [Vet-trin]

Israeli [Is-rail-lE]

Image result for political spectrum