VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Apparel – clothing or things that go with clothing like bracelets
Outfit – the combination of clothing your wearing or have
Attire – a more formal type of clothing
eg. To a wedding and business meeting, you should wear formal attire

Bracelet – a round piece of jewelry worn around your wrist

Trivia – a game where you are asked questions based on anything from history to sports

Lead .. them to tell you what you want – direct someone to tell you the information you want without ask for it

Keeping face – not being able to accept being embarrassed for humorous purpose
eg, In Asia, if someone is embarrassed think it affects their reputation and can have a very negative affect for them

Ice breaker – a situation where all the tension and nervous aspects of meeting new people is removed

Liaison – a person or job where an individual helps others to adapt to a new place/company/job  (help people/company connect to something)

Igloo – a house/structure made of ice/snow blocks See the source image

Trap – something that you can fall into and has a negative effect
eg. It’s easy to take the easy method, but it can be a trap.

Pick your battles – don’t choose to fight over the little things

Jocks – guys that go to the gym a lot and play many sports


Study in a Canadian university

Speak in families – Speak at home/with their families

All Singaporean‘s study English