VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Choose an article of interest from VOA, read it, and write your opinions to prepare for a discussion.

All Past Class notes Reviewed 


Fidget – to constantly move and not sit still

Deep(ly) – to put a lot of effort into thinking about all aspects of something
eg. I had to think very deeply about the philosophy concepts to understand them

Rally (verb) – to come together again/reassemble

Flank – side/or go around something
eg. If they are not paying attention then you can flank them and attack from behind/the side.

Pincer shape/movement – Image result for pincer movement

Indigenous – refers to anything that originates from a specific place/region
Pineapples are indigenous South America

Instinct vs intuition vs innovative
Instinct –
something that comes naturally without any need for thinking or being conscious (not sleeping/knocked out)
Intuition – the ability to understanding something without reasoning or explanation
Innovative – to find or create a new method to make/do something

Utilities – services used in your house (electricity, water)
Utility – a measure of happiness (economics, philosophy)
eg. I will spend more money on something because it makes me more happy and gives me more utility.

Resent – to have a dislike or bitterness towards an (action/person/circumstance)

Sometimes we need to take a step backwards to see the bigger picture 

How long before we can joke about it? …. At least 50 years  (references joking about some dark part of history)…
Humor can heal our wounds

Heading – a title at the top to make something clear and identifiable


The TV’s propaganda on TV is very effective

So the that both parties can make a small sacrifice to come to an agreemnt step a little backwards 

Joke on about/with him
Joke about him = make a joke with him in it
Joke with him = tell him jokes
Joke about that = joke about an event, action, occurrence


mobility [Mo-bill-a-tee]

Indigenous [In-di-jin-nis]

w= [double-u]