VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Insects – flies, bees, wasps, mosquitoes
eg. My least favorite insect is a cockroach and my favorite is bee

Progressive – something that continues to grow or get worse
eg. Canada is a very progressive country because it makes many new laws to help people.
eg. Cancer is a very progressive disease and will spread if not treated.

Co-ed – both men and women use/stay in same place
eg. Many dormitories in USA have both men and women live there and share a co-ed bathroom

Promote – increase (position, awareness)
eg. I will promote Smart English by organizing events so people can see our logo.

Tom-boy – girls that dress and act like a guy might (often against their parents wishes)
Masculine – something that has many traits of a male
Feminine – something that has many traits of a female
eg. Sex and the city is a very feminine show and discusses women’s lives

Cosmetic surgery – surgery for the purpose of changing your appearance

Superficial – care about the outside not the inside (what you wear, own, have, money)
eg. Some people are very superficial and only date rich people.

cliques – groups of people associated by mutual interests
Preps – people that care about their image a lot and always must get good grades and look nice
Preppy – People that think they are better then others and fit are described as ‘preps’
Jocks – athletes who’s main concern is sports
Hippie – 
a person who is passionate about helping the environment, animals, and earth
Stoners – people that often smoke cigarettes, or smoke weed

weed/marijuana – 大麻

Proximity – the distance between two things
eg. Most students live in close proximity to their school

Characterized – described by

Compulsive – unable to stop doing something


The teacher called the parents to come to the school


Immunization [Im-mun-nii-zaa-shin]

Vaccine [Vack-seen]

marijuana [Mara-wana]

Speaking exercise


I was a good student. I never fall in love, in China if the teacher find the boy and girl have a close relationship _ the teacher will talk with the and ask what happen between them. I think in China, it is the lack of knowledge of the sex. Now a days in Shanghai or Beijing, the school will have the sex class in school. But in a lot of the other cities, they don’t have the education.


I was a good student. I never fell in love; in China if the teacher finds the boy and girl have a close relationship then the teacher will talk with the and ask what happened between them. I think in China, it is the lack of knowledge of the sex. Now a days in Shanghai or Beijing, the school will have the sex class in school. But in a lot of the other cities, they don’t have this education.