VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Express your opinions on this topic.


touch and go – a serious situation that keeps changing

Tip over – someone slowly falls over on its side.
eg. My cup tipped over and spilt coffee on me
Flip over – to turn all the way over (180 deg)
eg. a car at high speeds can flip over if their is an accident

Bureau – an office or department of the government

Celsius/Fahrenheit = C/F for temperature

Conversion formula – used to change between units

Passage vs story vs article  & paper
Passage –  a very short piece of writing
Story – writing with a story line (plot)
Article – discuss or describes a topic of interests


he makes students have poor scores

I think they research common sense topics.

Be very careful the ‘s’ at the end of a word


Bureau [Beer-row]

approximately [a-prox-a-mit-lee]

Severe [Sa-veer]

Heat exhaustion