VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Find an article about marketing or a new brand and learn some stuff about it and bring it to class so we can test your response to questions you might encounter at work. (Hope this can help you be confident and realize how good your English is!)

I never let school get in the way of my education

Shining example – the best example


Implementation – to do something you have planned

eg. Once you have a plan, then you must implement it.

Coworker – someone you work with

Stereotype – something assume or think about people

Assumption [A-sump-chin]- to assume something

eg. I try not to make assumptions about my coworkers

Quantitative – Using numbers/statistics to learn or prove something (popular in science and economics)

Optimize – get the most out of something/use it the best way

Analytical – using evidence to prove something/using reasoning

Interpersonal – involving or between people

Pertinent – how appropriate something is f0r the situation

eg. You must check the pertinent regulations to see if it complies

Comply – following rules/regulations or obeying

eg. I need to comply with the regulations for this marketing event.

Innovative – doing something new that hasn’t be done before

Initiative – doing something without being told/asked to do it

eg. She took really good initiative to start the new project without being asked

Syntax – the structure of sentences in a language

Syllables – the individual sounds of a word