F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Role = Job = Position (very broad and can included many tasks/duties)

Tasks = duties (tasks is a very general word, and duty is a stronger word used to describe something of greater value/honor)

Shy/Nervous/worried – to not feel confident about something you will/are doing

Derive – get/comes from something
eg. Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese all derive from Latin.
Derivative – comes from the same place (origin)
eg. Portuguese is a derivative of Latin.

Universal language – Language that is spoken almost all over the world

Haven – a heaven is a safe place to stay or hide
Tax Haven – a place to hide money from taxes
Safe Haven –
A place where you can hide and stay safe when people are looking for you

Sanctuary – a place you are safe and protected. You can request this most churches


Not too much friendly

an Internship program