VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Rectify – fixing something that has problems or when a mistake has been made (similar to fix)
eg. After we review the sample, we will rectify any problems my boss sees with it.

Idiom – a native phrase that has additional/hidden meaning
a piece of cake – something is easy
eg. How was your exam yesterday?… It was a piece of cake
Beat around the push – not direct when they speak or do something (often waste time saying nonsense)
eg. My Danish boss didn’t like to beat around the push
Two birds one stone – solving two problems with one solution

Vowel – a, e, i, o, u
Consonants – all letters that are not vowels (b, c, d, f, g……)

Allergy – when you are unable to eat, touch, or be near something or you will get sick


More easyeasier / more simple
More hard – harder / more difficult 

a/an (if the next word starts with a vowel)

I will see you at the next event

we/he/she/the/it/that/there – (don’t use in the first sentence unless the person knows the meaning)


Specialize [spe-shol-ize]