VIP Class Notes (Jacob)



Surname – Family name

dot – a small round circle

Lawyer – Someone who works in law  律师

Daughter – baby girl of parents 女儿

College/University – School after high school 大学

Hurt/Injury – to have something happen that cause pain

Near – close

Lobby – area to wait

Castle – large stone building for kings/queens

Lake – body of water that doesn’t move 湖泊

Vocabulary – 生词

Grammar – 语法

Sponge – thing for cleaning 

Pineapple – brown fruit with green hair (his house)

Windmill – a building that uses wind to turn

Things – 东西

Change – 交换

Cube – the shape of blocks in MC

Ghost – (鬼)

Skeleton –  小白 small white

Rectangle – square with one side longer

Oval – egg shape