VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Write some sentences using




Idiom – a common cultural saying that isn’t logical by reading it
eg. Its a piece of cake = something is easy
eg 2 birds 1 stone = 2 problems solved by 1 stone
eg. Nailed it = do something perfectly (or nearly)

Greeting someone after a long time has passed = Hey, how are you. Its been a long time/long time no see
First time greet
Formal = Hello, I’m Chester. Its a pleasure/nice to meet you
Casual = Hi, I’m Chester. Nice to meet you

TV Series – a show that has continued for many seasons


In On sunday
I will see you in June/I will see you in the movie theater/I will see you in Beijing
I will see you on June 19th.

I will see you at the movie theater (less specific or obvious place)
I will meet you at the front door / main entrance

that/it/there/he/she/they/we/that/the/this (have a lot of information… the marvel movie)
a/an (these have no information …a book/a movie)

I will talk to Judy after class. Then they (jesse/judy) will tell me the answer. (okay)
I will check there (you don’t know where) to find some news. (not okay)
I like matcha ice cream. Have you tried it (matcha ice cream)? (okay)
I have watched many comedy movies. Do you like this type (comedy) of movie?