VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


I want to travel anywhere and everywhere = I don’t know where I want to go but I want to visit every place in the world

Nationality – the country that you were born and come from

Citizenship – a country accepts you as one of their own (give you a passport

Dual-citizenship – some countries allow you to hold two passports (not China)

Border – a line on a map, or a wall/protect area that separates two countries

Ambition – you really want to get somewhere/something  or achieve a lot and work very hard for
Ambitious – you work really hard to get higher in a job or to go somewhere/do something
eg. Is there anywhere in the world that your very ambitious to travel to in the future?

North pole – 北极

Polar bear – 北极熊

Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights = lights found in the sky close to the North Pole

Censor – block something from being seen

Censorship – controlling what can be seen by people
eg. The government has a lot of censorship in China to stop people from seeing certain things.

Biased – you already have choosen a side or answer so your opinion is not fair

Word of mouth – the only way to hear about it is hearing others talk about it

propaganda – to try and control people by teaching them a certain way about everything


He needs to go/travel to many countries