VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about what you think of googles new AI phone technology. Is it the next step in technology?


I nailed it – to do something perfectly in one try
eg I nailed my Chinese exam.

Utmost – the most extreme or great
eg. The utmost important quality…

Upmost – the first place
eg. The upmost quality to have is….

Drop out of school = He is a college drop out

Philanthropy – to donate your money or time to help those less fortunate (poor) 
Philanthropist –
a person who does philanthropy work 

Caught – past tense of catch

fad – popular for a short time and then often forgotten


You will pay the price

Doesn’t it strike you as odd?

The famous person I‘d like to talk about today is Bill Gates.

They prefer more peaceful and quite life.

They persist in doing their work.

He thought ahead of his time/he was ahead of his time


Software [soft-wear]

Inspiration [in-spur-a-chin]


Authentic [Au-fen-tick]

Speaking exercise

A Famous Foreign Person
Do you think everyone would like to be famous?
What types of people become famous?
Why do you think some people are famous just for a short time while others are famous for a long time?