VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


England – country in Europe (origin of English)

Ride – same meaning as drive but for scooter, bike, horse, subway
eg. I ride on/take the subway to work

While – indicating two things are happening at the same time
eg. I play games while I drink coffee/While I play games, I always drink coffee

often – most of the time
eg. I often drink coffee in the morning

Plenty – a lot of something (used to talking about having something)
eg. Do we have any coffee? …. We have plenty (a lot).

Instead – to want to replace something with another item
eg. Can I have french fries instead of salad?
eg. Can I have cream in my coffee instead of milk.


I didn’t go swimming

Weekend I came here – I come here on the weekend 

I have bring to them park – I bring them to the park

Help to them drive the bike – Help them ride a bike 

  1. a / homework / lot / of / I / have – I have a lot of homework 
  2. a / movie / see / went / last / I / to / night – I went to see a movie last night
  3. food / I / go / tonight / eat / will/ restaurant / at / American / an / to – I will go to eat food at an American restaurant tonight 
  4. go / class / I / after / I / would / finish / home / will – I will go home after I finish class = After I finish class, I will go home
  5. I / hours / will / study / this / for / while / evening / two – I will study for two hours this evening 
  6. work / don’t / to / I / tomorrow / go / need / a / to – I don’t need to go to work tomorrow 

Present – Past – Future
go/going – went – will go
do – did – will do
eat – ate – will eat
drink – drank – will drink
sit – sat – will sitt
fly – flew – will fly (Yesterday I flew to China)

Can I have less coffee and more milk?