VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Roughing it – not doing it the easiest way

Necessity – something that is necessary
eg. A hair dryer is a necessity for me to travel

Compensate – to be paid for your time due to someone else’s fault

Censor– to control what is seen

Healthcare – things related to maintaining your health (hospital)

Acupuncture – chinese medicine using needles

Cupping – chinese medicine with cups & fire

Context – the information that affects the situation
eg. My boss is really good at understanding the context of the situation


outer shell – a hard outside but soft inside

EQ – emotional intelligence/quotient


We flew to Beijing on the Thursdays morning. Should have been 9 oclock, but we were told its oversold.

Good at reading people. (high level EQ)

Speaks based on the situations context.

Stand for a different situation – We all sit in different positions /were all affected differently

More beneficial for us

smarter (not more smarter)

avoid using ‘like’