VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


rather – instead  of/as oppose to

Shanghai – ? the action of being shanghaied


People vs Persons  – more formal settings excluding the use of people from a country (French people)

Either – with two options, both are okay (no preference)
eg. Do you want apple or orange. –> either one/both are the same for me

Neither – You don’t want any of the options (2 options)
eg. I don’t want to eat neither one. (reply with what you do want) …..
eg. Want sushi or Chinese? …. Neither ….  I would rather pizza

I will go to –> I will attend –> I shall attend/I will be present at

I will probably go/attend (40-70%)

I will most likely go/attend (70-90%)

Shall/will (90-99%)

I will definitely/I guarantee (100%)

Please kindly note that we will not charge the service fee for option this separately.