VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Relationship to – connected 

I couldn’t help myself – do the easy thing

Breakup – to separate in a relationship

Decent – to be nice,good and respectable

Indecent – to be the opposite of what is considered to be decent

Open relationship – both people can see other people

Propaganda – using information to mislead people to believe something

Pretty – beautiful; fairly (moderately high degree)
eg. Your Chinese is pretty good

Characteristic – typical of particular thing, person, or place
eg. My characteristics are that I am friendly, social, loyal

Loyal – to not cheap or betray someone (very honest)
eg. He was always very loyal to his girlfriend

Charismatic, reliable, dependable, social, outgoing, etc….


needed stay – don’t need to stay

Feel don’t very happy – not feel very happy


Helping [Hell-ping]






The Day Before the Holiday

Everyone at the office is getting ready for the holiday. It is Friday, and everyone will be off for the whole week, next week. Judy’s assistant, Michael, is helping her make the final arrangements for a presentation she needs to make the day she gets back from the holiday. She needs to have everything ready, so she can relax and enjoy her holiday next week. Everyone else at the office is also making some final arrangements for their own projects, so they are all busy. But it is okay. They will have the whole week to rest next week!

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Page 10