VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Identical – the exact same

Trillion – 1,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros)

Deadlock – stuck in an argument and can’t continue

Appetite – level of hunger
eg. I have a huge appetite and could eat a lot

Boast – to say something to maybe show off
eg. He kept boasting about how much money he earned

Gigantic – extremely big
eg. Wow, your house is gigantic.

Goofy – to be really silly

Hatch – babies coming out of eggs
eg. Come see the eggs are hatching.

Outraged – to show your extreme anger for something (yelling, shouting, etc)

Outskirts – the outer part of a town or city (near the border)

Suburbs – the outside of a city, often a residential area

Portion – a part of thing
eg. I want a portion of rice on the side
eg. I want to change this portion of this presentation

Swell – first meaning is to be good (how are you?: I am swell), after an injury when your body gets bigger
eg. I hurt my arm and now its so big from swelling


He speaks English with a French accent


Informal: Hey, whats up?; Hi, how are you today?; Hey, how is it going? Hey, whats new today?;

Formal: Hello, how are you doing today?; Hello, how was your evening?;

Introductions: Hello, its a pleasure to meet you; Hello, I am delighted to meet you; It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance






Don’t respond ‘yeh’

Speaking exercise


I’m delighted to be one team member of your team.

I’m delighted to: be a member of your team/to be on your team/to be part of your team

Kind of a little bit, but I’m trying to get use of this environment as soon as possible.

Kind of/a little bit, but I’m trying to get use of this environment as soon as possible.

Yeh, I think all the companies decoration and seating plans are similar.

Yes, my previous company was similar.

Thank you, and I’ll try my best in my future projects.

Thank you for your kind supportive/assistant and guidance.

Thank you for your kind support/assistance and guidance.


I’m delighted to be one team member of your team. –

Kind of a little bit, but I’m trying to get use of this environment as soon as possible.

Kind of/a little bit, but I’m trying to get use of this environment as soon as possible.

Yeh Yes, I think all the companies decoration and seating plans are similar.

Thank you, and I’ll try my best in my future project.

Thank you for your kind supportive/assistant and guidance.