VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Greetings – to welcome, to say hello
eg. Hello, hi, how are you today, welcome, good afternoon

Barista – waiter/server who makes coffee
eg. The barista makes coffee really fast

Stir – to mix something with spoon/stick

Stir stick – small stick to stir coffee

Ham – type of pork 猪肉

Sliced – to cut something

White / Brown sugar 

Browse the menu – look at the menu
eg. I will browse the menu and then order coffee

Option – lots of different things that you can choose

I only drink decaf.

Cafe vs Cream – thick milk
eg. I want cream instead of milk

Whipped cream – 奶泡

Special – something that is not normal
eg. We have a special drink for the summer

Small 小/ Medium 中杯/ Large 大/ Extra Large 很大

tall (12 ounces), grande (16), venti (24), and trenta (31)


I want to add no fat milk- I want to add non fat milk


Option – [op-chin]

tion – chin
eg. operation 

Speaking exercise

J: Welcome to our cafe/Good afternoon/Hello/Please have a seat

J: Can I help you?/Would you like something to drink?/What would you like?/Would you like something to eat

P: Could I have a Large/big/grande Americano for take away.

J: Would you like hot or iced?

P: I want iced American please.

J: Would you like milk or sugar?

P: No milk, no sugar please.

J: Will that be everything?

P: Can I have a ham and cheese sandwich please?

J: Of course! Would you like it hot.

P: Yes, can you warm it up for me please.

J: Sure. Is that all?

P: Yes

J: How would you like to pay?

P: Alipay/wechat pay/cash/credit card/debit card (bank card)

J: It will be/your total is $8.99.

….Scan your wechat…

J: Thank you.

P: Thank you.

J: Have a good day/Have a nice day/Good bye