VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


One belt one road – 一带一路

Cover all the expenses 

Safari [sa-far-rE]

Phobia of flying
eg. I developed this phobia after a traumatic experience because of turbulence

docking – when boat goes to land
eg. The boat must sail to the dock before docking.

capsized – when a boat turns upside town

quicksand – a wet sand that you can sink and drown in

A surfer must catch a wave and try to stand on his narrow surfboard.

Carrier (care-rE-er]

Haven – a safe place for something
tax havens – places you can hide money to keep it safe from taxes

Neutral – don’t pick one side

Chick flick – girly movie
flick – movie/film

colloquialism – local sayings from a certain region. (not formal, casual phrases)

subtleties – being subtle (not too obvious)

Listed themselves (put themselves on the stock exchange list)


Busy from since last month


Nazi [Nats-zE]

colloquialism [ko-loc-E-ol-lism]