VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


Inept – to have no skills (at a particular thing)
eg. He is very inept in solving problems.

Struggle – Having difficulty to do something
eg. I am struggling to understand how to use this word correctly.
eg. I’m struggling to find the methods to separate the cells.

Off the hook – to not have to do something or not get in trouble for your actions (free)
eg. My boss said I don’t have to finish the project tonight so I am off the hook.
eg. He is so famous so they let him off the hook even though he broke the law.

I hit a wall/snag – I ran into some difficulty
breakthrough – to solve a big problem or get past whatever was giving you difficulty.

Artificial – something made similar to the original but not the original
eg. AI = Artificial intelligence is robots made from humans that can learn.
eg.  Artificial paintings are not made from the original artist.
eg. Fanta is made with artificial orange flavor.

Fake = not real
eg. That Gucci bag is a fake.

Relatively – in comparison to another thing or situation it is….  (make things sound better by comparing it to something else)
Relatively small – small compared to something else or the average
eg. My apartment is relatively small … compared to Canadian apartments.
eg. How big is your apartment? –> it’s relatively small.
Relatively few problems – some problems but not big problems like before

Recipient – the person/animal who will receive something

Syllables – the phonetics of a word
Alphabet – all the letters of a language (english: 26)
Vowels –
a, e, i ,o, u 
Consonants – 
non vowel letters b,c,d,f,…. (21)

Onomatopoeia – word that is spelt like the sound (meow, boom, bang, woof)


Chongqing cuisine is relatively spicy compared to the rest of China


Choir [kuai-er]
