VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Anarchy – the idea that if there is no government, people would go crazy and steal, murder, etc

Frivolous – When something is pointless or has not serious purpose

Winding down – something is finishing and coming to an end (indicating the end or closing of something)
eg. The work day was winding down so the employees start to crack open some beers.

Onomatopoeia – a word that describes a sounds like (boom, bang, woof)

Inept – lack ability at something

Baron – a leader under the king who controlled some land and collected tax from the locals (a few 100 years ago)

Feign – pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury)

Parlor trick – something to attract customers

Beguile – charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way.

Augment – to alter and ideally increase something