VIP Class Notes (Jacob) [R]

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Look more into syllables and letter combinations for pronunciation (ing, ent, ont, tion, etc)
Hangman – game for letters


Mamma’s boy – a boy who relies on his mom
Daddy’s little girl/princess – a girl whose dad gives her everything she wants

Spoil (food) – food that has gone bad (can’t be eaten anymore)
eg. The Banana was on my desk for a month and it spoiled.
Spoil (gifts – verb) – to buy someone many gifts and give them everything they want.
Spoiled (gifts – adjective) – someone who is given everything they want and doesn’t understand the word ‘no’

Take charge – become the leader
eg. My boss was away and we had a problem so I had to take charge.

Plot – story for a book, movie, or tv show

Tone – the mood of something (environment or atmosphere)

Flashback – a very strong memory of something that you sometimes see in your head (when awake)

fellow – connection because you do something the same (like colleague but can also be for many other things like teams, students, etc)

Spectrum – the different range or level of something like age/wealth/colors/political groups

Reluctant – something you don’t want to/or not happy to do

mentor – someone who teaches you a lot of things and you want to be like

Belittle – make something seem smaller than it is
eg. Your expensive car isn’t even a new car, its just a used car and not that expensive.

Syllables – the sounds of several letters together

Vowels = a,e,i,o,u (5 vowels)
Consonants = b,c,d,f,….. (21 con|son|ants)

A|lu|min|um (American)
Al|u|min|i|um (British)


I am in charge of fellow

When I am out/unavailable/absent, other doctors take be in charge of my patients
In an emergency I need to take charge of the situation to help the patient.

He predicted that he would be dying/died die


couples [Cup-ples]

Series [sear-ree-s]

Char|ac|ters [Care-ack-ters]

opposite [opp-O-sit]

Routine [Rew-teen]

choir [Kuai-er]

tion – shin

Vowels [vow-els]
