VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Write 5 sentences using present tense and future tense verbs (like part a in book, page 61)
doing/will do
eating/will eat
going/will go
walking/will walk
watching/will watch

Next Class Focus

Hard vowel rule.

piece of cake
2 birds 1 stone
It is raining cats and dogs


Alphabet – all the letters in a language [a,b,c,d,e,f,g……] English has 26 letters
Vowels – a, e, i, o, u (5 in total)
Consonants – b, c, d, f….. (21 in total)

Travel – to go to another place (not your home city)
Tourist – a person who travels to for fun

Turn/spin – to turn by going to the side (left/right)
Flip = to turn  by going in the air (up/down)

Scar – small mark after injury.
eg. Benny has a small scar on his left arm.

Occasion – a time with special meaning

Performance – a show for music, actors, dancers, etc
eg. Last week I saw a theater performance.

Perform – when actors/musician do something in front of people
eg. After my cousin studies theater, she can perform in front of people.
eg. My cousin will have to teach actors how to perform. 

Theater – a place to see actors perform or a movie

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I like sailing boats


usual [U-ju-wool]

Theater [ThE-ter]

decorate [dec-o-rate]