VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Met (past tense of meet)

Annoying – something that people don’t like
eg. When people make weird sounds, its annoying.

Chinese – 中文
Chna – 中国
Physical Education (PE) – 体育
Archeology – 考古
Geography – 地理 
the study of the world and environment 
Science – 科学
Computer science – 计算机

Lesson – a place where you study something (Chinese lesson)
Class – a place where you study something (Chinese class)
Subject – something that you study (in a lesson/class)
eg. I am studying 3 subjects: English, Chinese, Math

Desert – 沙漠
Forest – 森林
Gravity – 重力

北方 – Never –> North
东方- Eat –> East
南方- Sour –> South
西方 – Watermelon –> West

大洲 – continent
七个大洲 – North America 北美, South America 南美, Europe 欧洲, Asia 亚洲, Africa 非洲, Australia 澳大利亚, Antarctica 南极洲

乐高 – lego


Your hair is sticking up 

My hobbies are swimming/drawing/playing/gaming 


Lego [lay-gO]

South [S-ou-th]