VIP Class Notes (Hari) [S]


Time in the past- Yesterday, 2 days, long time ago, 2 years ago, 10,000 years ago, 100,000, 1 minute ago, 1 hour ago, 2 hours ago, last night, last summer, last winter (seasons). (Homework – write a sentence for time in the past).

Diary of a whimpy kid- read 1 chapter for homework.


1. Vegetables– onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots (practice pronunciation), bak choi (Homework- find more types of vegetables)

2. Fruit– oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, watermelon, lemon, strawberries, mangoes, pears, grapefruit

3. meal= big food
ex: I have 3 meals a day.
ex:The second meal I had noodles and eggs.

4.  milk:  yummy, chocolate, hot, bing/iced
ex:In the morning I have milk and bread. (don’t say eat milk).

5. adjectives to describe eggs: Hot/spicy/nice/delicious/ tea eggs/

6. Sushi – cold food.
ex: Japanese love to eat sushi.

7. Ice cream cone :the cone to put ice-cream in
ex: i want my ice-cream cone


mix food like eggs/ can also mix different fruit cut up

I am talking

I was drawing. (What are you drawing) I play game fun game.

Tense- Past  – I watched/played/slept/ did/ ran/

Present tense – we talking (verb-ing) He is walking. I am doing something

Future – I will eat

Present- This afternoon, this morning, this evening, in 2 hours (Also the future) .

Future time- In 3015 years .in _____ months.

Speaking exercise

You are on holiday- very hot. What are you going to do and eat?

I want go to home and eat a lot of ice cream. Drink a lot of drinks and eat cold rice. In the frige. I will eat ham. Eat good ham.


I want go to home and eat a lot of ice cream.  I will drink a lot of drinks and eat cold rice. I will eat ham from the fridge. I will eat good ham.